Tuesday 5 March 2024

Can Braces Help With Teeth Grinding or Bruxism In Kids?

Teeth grinding is identified to be a common problem that leads to severe dental issues if not taken any action on time. You should not get worried if you are concerned about your kid's health due to the teeth-grinding pattern. Just like there is a solution to every problem, with the help of braces, your child can get rid of teeth grinding or bruxism. 

We have come up with this blog after conversing with Dental Experts, a team of the best pediatric dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic. Here, we will discuss the benefits and risks of using braces to treat teeth grinding and how they can improve oral health. So, let's start!

What Do You Understand By Teeth Grinding?

There can be many factors that can contribute to teeth grinding or bruxism in your kids, such as sleep disorders, stress, and misaligned teeth. In some cases, braces can help by correcting the teeth alignment. However, make sure you consult an orthodontist before deciding to make your kid wear braces.

Causes of Teeth Grinding

There can be many causes of teeth grinding, such as: 

  • Dental issues 

  • Stress and anxiety 

  • Sleep-related problems

  • Improper jaw or alignment 

  • Medications

  • Poor lifestyle factors 

  • Parasomnias 

  • Hyperactivity or ADHD 

How Braces Can Help Your Kid With Teeth Grinding or Bruxism?

If your child grinds teeth at night, you may wonder if braces can help. Well, teeth grinding, also called bruxism, is a common issue damaging your kid's teeth and jaw. Not only that, but it also leads to headaches, neck pain, and earaches. Your kid can get perfectly aligned teeth and jaws by undergoing braces treatment. 

It can also help reduce the amount of wear on the teeth and prevent further damage. 

Benefits of Using Braces For Teeth Grinding

There can be many benefits to using braces for teeth grinding. For example, braces can help improve teeth alignment (helps reduce the wear and tear on teeth). Also, braces help increase teeth' strength to make them strong so they do not break or chip. 

Types of Braces Your Child Can Get? 

The types of braces your child can get are: 

  • Self-ligating Braces: Self-ligating braces use little metal doors to hold the wires instead of elastic wires. 

  • Ceramic Braces/Clear Braces: These braces are known for blending in and disappearing on the teeth. Moreover, they are less painful and do not irritate the gum.

  • Metal Braces: They come in various colors and are the most vital type of braces that are hard to damage. 

What Is The Ceramic Braces Treatment Cost in Gurgaon?

The ceramic braces treatment cost in Gurgaon depends on various factors such as the clinic's location, treatment duration, and oral health condition of the candidate. 


Are you noticing grinding noises when your child sleeps and worried about where to get the treatment to keep a check on your child's oral health? Do not worry; consult the team of Dental Experts at Aspen Dental Clinic. Working with cutting-edge technology and the best dental team, Aspen Dental Clinic is a one-stop solution for issues related to oral health. So, plan your kids' treatment today by visiting Aspen Dental Clinic in Gurgaon.

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