Tuesday 30 January 2024

Should My Child Get Ceramic or Metal Braces?

If your child is about to get braces and start orthodontic treatment, you may wonder whether they should get ceramic or metal braces or what the ideal difference between them is. If you are also confused and want to know in detail before starting your child's treatment, you are at the right place.

Here, we will talk about ceramic or metal types of braces and the differences between each type. We have also discussed this with Dr. Ravneet Kaur while developing this blog. She is the best Pediatric Dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic. So, let's start by shedding light on metal braces first!

What Do You Understand By Metal Braces?

Ideally, Metal braces consist of brackets on the front or back of the teeth and tightened wires to make teeth move and bite into better alignment. Metal braces are usually made up of stainless steel brackets and wires. Rubber hands (ligatures) attach the wires to the brackets. While traditional braces comprise brackets, wires, and ligatures as the main parts, the self-ligating braces work with clips instead of ligatures (that hold the wires to the brackets.) 

What are the Pros & Cons of Metal Braces?

Despite the growing prominence of alternatives, metal braces remain the most common option. These are the most often worn by children, but in some cases, these are also preferred by adults undergoing orthodontic treatment. 

Here are the most significant advantages and disadvantages of metal braces, and they are: 

Pros of Metal Braces

  • Strong and Durable  

With the materials' strength, metal braces are durable and provide excellent control. However, the metal braces can cause your child a little discomfort. Also, they leave a metallic taste in your child's mouth. 

  • Less likely to Show Discolouration 

These are made up of darker materials. As a result, metal braces are less likely to become discolored. 

  • Efficacy

As a fixed appliance, metal braces help for greater control and precise tooth movement, especially in complex cases. As per a study, metal braces, compared with clear aligners, were more effective in treating tooth rotation, retention after brace removal, and certain malocclusions. 

  • Dental Health 

Metal braces can improve your kid's overall dental health, as misaligned teeth can result in swallowing or chewing issues. It also makes them harder to clean, making plaque buildup and increasing the risk of gum disease. 

  • Cost-Effective

These are cost-effective, and you can quickly start your treatment without causing a significant effect on your budget. 

Cons of Metal Braces

  • Appearance 

Some people may need more than the appearance of metal braces. As per some studies, most people opted for the comfort and aesthetic of clear aligners compared with conventional braces. 

  • Diet 

Another disadvantage of metal braces can be identified is that a person needs to monitor their diet and oral hygiene more closely than ever. Including foods high in sugar in your diet may lead to plaque buildup around the metal brackets. This buildup may also cause permanent damage or straining to your kid's teeth. 

  • Duration 

Treatment with metal braces can only last up to 1-3 years. After this period, the patient will need a retainer that helps to hold their teeth in the new positions.


  • Increase Irritation

These metal braces can irritate your child's gums and make them the least favorable.

Ceramic Braces 

Ceramic braces are usually made of aluminum oxide. The brackets of ceramic braces are glued to the surfaces of the patient's teeth. These brackets are made up of stainless steel, ceramic, or other materials. Also, an archwire controls the teeth' movement and helps connect the brackets and the bands. These braces are popular because they're less noticeable than metal braces. But they also have disadvantages, so people may use ceramic or metal braces. 

Pros of Ceramic Braces

  • Ceramic braces are found to be less painful in use as they do not irritate the gums. 

  • Ceramic braces either have semi-translucent ceramic brackets, better for white teeth, or tooth-colored ceramic, far better for slightly darker teeth. Either way, they blend in well. 

  • These braces are vital, especially if they are of high quality. They usually don't chip or break unless they are badly abused.

Cons of Ceramic Braces

  • Ceramic brackets are known to be more expensive than metal brackets. They are also more extensive but can only blend with the teeth. So, they might be an issue for most patients. 

  • Like traditional metal braces, ceramic braces use clear or white ligatures to hold the archwire in place. These ligatures are identified as little rubber bands; they can get stained because they're porous and need to be changed at every adjustment. 

  • As ceramic brackets can withstand less pressure than metal brackets can, ceramic braces are usually not recommended for people looking for extensive treatment. 

What Should Your Child Get: Metal or Ceramic Braces?

Your child's orthodontist will determine whether ceramic aligners are a good option. Generally, these are popular among adults who require a slight alignment, but they are not a good option for adjusting the bite. 

In some conditions, switching from one type to the other mid-treatment may also be possible. However, this transition may involve more money and time in changing and reapplying the new brackets. 

It is better to talk to the best orthodontist to decide what you and your child prefer aesthetically. You can consult an expert orthodontist, Dr. Ravneet Kaur at Aspen Dental Clinic. She has 15+ years of experience helping people to correct their bite issues and fall in love with their smiles. 

You can book your appointment with her by visiting Aspen Dental Clinic today!

Thursday 25 January 2024

Dental Filling - How Long Does it Take to Fill a Cavity

Plaque buildup on the teeth is detrimental and results in cavities. Plaque is a tacky bacterial film. Plaque bacteria are capable of producing acids in response to the consumption of sugary foods or beverages. Because these acids erode tooth enamel progressively, cavities may develop. A dental professional must fill the cavity. The procedure of dental filling takes time and some preventive measures to follow. These measures are essential to make the treatment effective and long-lasting. 

To know How long does the dental filling take to fill the cavity? We took insights from various top-notch dental care centres like Aspen Dental. It is renowned as the best dental clinic in Gurgaon. Based on insights taken from dentists, this blog will provide a guide on dental filling. So, if you or your kids are going through this dental problem, this blog may help. 

An Overview of Cavity

The cavity is a space between two teeth. It may be caused by dental plaque, heredity, or bacterial infection. A dentist helps whenever one discovers that a cavity has formed and a filling is necessary. 

Treatment of Cavity

Cavities can be easily treated with the help of a dentist. Dentists follow the below-mentioned procedure-


Dentists initiate procedures by applying local anaesthesia, such as lidocaine, to neutralise the area of the mouth that will be treated. A transient stinging sensation may occur when administering this anaesthesia into the gingival tissue. The dentist will proceed with the procedure once all nerves have been anaesthetised to the area.


After that, the dentist will remove the decay from the tooth using a dental instrument or laser. Before replacing the area, preparation for doing so is required once the deterioration has been eliminated. Before placing the filling, the dentist will shape the area and, if needed, administer acid gel to etch the tooth.


The filling material can be inserted into the prepared molar. A specific illumination type is required to solidify particular filler materials. If this feeling is present, the dentist will use a bright light to illuminate it on multiple occasions during the procedure.


The dentist will subsequently burn the filling. During this procedure, any rough margins of the filling are eliminated, and the tongue and cheek lining are safeguarded against harm.

The Duration Of Time Necessary To Fill A Cavity.

As a standard and uncomplicated procedure, fillings are completed quickly. On average, the duration of a filling procedure is one hour. Multiple visits may be advised by the dentist in order to treat various cavities.

Certain patients may experience tooth discomfort or sensitivity after the placement of dental fillings. This may persist for several hours or even days following the procedure. Avoid consuming foods and beverages that may cause sensitivity, including those that are exceedingly frigid, warm, sweet, or carbonated. Schedule a consultation with your dentist if the pain or sensitivity worsens.

The process of comprehensive setting for specific fillings might require a brief duration. Premature consumption of rigid or viscous substances should be avoided, as they may induce the filling to detach. Regarding the prescribed waiting period, consult the dentist to prevent damage to the filling.

Despite undergoing polishing by the dentist, the filling may retain pointed edges. While initially invisible due to the anaesthesia, they can intensify significantly in pain once the numbing effect wears off. Immediately consult your dentist if you experience acute pain or discomfort after placing a new filling.

Precautions to Prevent Cavities Treatment

  • Establishing a consistent practice of dental hygiene is important for preventing the development of cavities. Brush and floss your teeth twice daily and once daily. Adhering to this routine can reduce the likelihood of developing tooth decay by eliminating plaque and food particles from the teeth. Sugar provides the bacteria that cause cavities with sustenance, so avoiding sugary beverages and candies can also be beneficial.

  • Avoid disregarding your oral health by failing to attend your twice-yearly examinations. Your dentist and hygienist will remove tartar and plaque from your teeth and search for signs of decay during these examinations.

  • If decomposition within a cavity proliferates and is not promptly addressed, more intensive treatment protocols might be required. While developing a cavity is never enjoyable, filling it takes approximately one hour, so there is no reason to postpone your visit to the dentist.

Get assistance from a dentist to get more details about the cavity and its effective treatment using dental filling. Regarding this, one may prefer visiting Aspen Dental. This renowned dental clinic offers a wide range of dentistry for children and adults. This clinic also provides orthodontic treatment for misaligned treatment and overcrowded dentures. While offering the treatments, Aspen Dental aims to provide the most satisfying result at a reasonable price. One may visit this clinic today to learn about the Tooth Filling Cost in Gurgaon. Pay a visit now at Aspen Dental Clinic.

Saturday 20 January 2024

Ceramic Braces for Teens and Kids

Ceramic braces, also known as clear braces, are orthodontic treatments that are used to straighten teeth and fix bite concerns. They involve clear or tooth-coloured ceramic brackets that get fixed to the surface of the teeth with similar coloured wires and rubber bands. The time needed to fix the problems with the teeth using either metal braces or ceramic braces is the same. However, the main difference between the two orthodontic devices is the fact that one is metal braces (made up of stainless steel) and the other is ceramic braces (polycrystalline alumina). This makes ceramic braces less noticeable and more preferable.

For a discreet yet efficient orthodontic treatment option, more parents are turning to ceramic braces. Even though traditional metal braces are still one of the most popular options for this age range. In this blog, we will provide readers with a better understanding of ceramic braces for kids. To make this post informative, we have gathered insights from the best pediatric dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental. Let’s learn more about ceramic braces.

What are Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces are designed to function in a similar way as traditional metal braces. However, they are made of a tooth-coloured ceramic material, which is less visible on the teeth. Combining ceramic brackets with clear or colourful elastics and white wires enables teenagers to have treatment with braces without the obvious look of metal braces.

Are Ceramic Braces Invisible?

Ceramic braces are less obvious than metal braces but are not completely invisible. However, clear aligners can also be considered if the teen wants to undergo orthodontic treatments via a more discreet route. Each treatment has its pros and cons, so it is important to speak to the orthodontist about which options will be most suitable for the child as every option is not suitable for every patient.

If one is looking to get ceramic braces in Gurgaon for your child, one can visit Aspen Dental and consult the expert orthodontist.

Ceramic Braces or Clear Aligners: Which One is Better?

One of the most sought-after orthodontic treatment options today is clear aligners, although this type of treatment has several drawbacks. Fixed appliances are necessary for many complex tooth movements. Even minor corrections need commitment and compliance since aligners must be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours every day, every day of the week. 

For these reasons, parents who want to provide their adolescent with more discrete treatment alternatives may discuss with their orthodontist about ceramic braces. Ceramic braces allow teenagers to have the best of both worlds.

Are There Any Restrictions With Ceramic Braces? 

The staining that can happen during treatment is a major worry when using ceramic braces, particularly if the teenager consumes a lot of coloured or highly processed food, curries, or anything with chicken flavour. The ceramic braces do not tend to stain. However, clear elastic modules do stain and discolour. One can ask the orthodontist to utilize silver or pearl-coloured modules to minimize discolouration. Also, it is important that teenagers brush their teeth after every meal and drink plenty of water to rinse out their mouth and keep the braces clean.

What are the Benefits of Using Ceramic Braces? 

Following are some of the benefits of ceramic braces:

  • Less Painful: According to individuals who wear both metal and ceramic braces, ceramic braces are considered less painful on the gums and cheeks since the ceramic is not harsh.

  • Hard to Notice: The fact that braces are noticeable and may be quite humiliating, especially for adults, is one of the reasons why some individuals choose not to have them even when they are necessary. The brackets that are used in ceramic braces can be colour-matched to the natural teeth, which makes them difficult to notice at a distance.

  • Durable: Some individuals are confused about getting ceramic braces because they do not think they are durable or will last throughout the treatment without having to be replaced. Fortunately, ceramic braces are difficult to damage and last throughout the treatment.

  • Cost-effective: Ceramic braces are much more expensive than metal braces, but they are still a cost-effective method of fixing crooked teeth when compared with other alternatives, such as clear aligners, which cost more and take longer time to achieve the desired effects.

Final Takeaway 

Ceramic braces are effective and provide much discretion when getting the teeth straightened. If one needs braces for their child, one can get in touch with an orthodontist to find out if ceramic braces are right for you.

For this, one can consult the expert orthodontists at Aspen Dental Clinic. The orthodontists at the clinic determine the best fit for your needs and prepare a customized treatment option for every child.

To know how much a ceramic braces treatment cost in Gurgaon, pay a visit to Aspen Dental today.

Monday 8 January 2024

Signs That Your Child Need Tooth Extraction

There are times when children's teeth must be extracted. While most youngsters lose their teeth spontaneously, there are times when dental extraction is necessary. Continue reading to discover more about when a kid could need a tooth extracted, what this includes, and how to prepare them for extraction by the dentist.

The insights to draft this post are gathered from the best dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic. Let’s straight away dive into the details.

Losing their First Tooth

Children normally lose their first teeth at the age of six. As the adult teeth begin to emerge, they push the baby teeth out. The youngster may initially realize that their tooth is loose and wish to begin wiggling it. This is safe because the tooth will fall out on its own over time.

When this natural process does not take place, a tooth extraction may become necessary. Youngsters must have enough room for adult teeth to emerge. Because adult teeth are permanent, they must arrive without any problems that might impede their placement and cause long-term problems in the mouth.

One typical reason for tooth extraction is when the baby teeth do not fall out before the adult teeth come in. This scenario, known as an 'over-retained' baby tooth, may necessitate extraction so that the adult teeth may enter correctly. Major crowding can occur if there is insufficient room in your child's mouth for the adult teeth to adopt their normal position.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions may be required in a variety of situations, including:

  • Extensive Decay: If the majority of a tooth is rotten, saving it may be impossible. Pain is a common indicator of decay, as are tooth discoloration and foul smell, even after brushing. Sensitivity is frequent with decay, and it might occur when your kid consumes sweet, spicy, or cold foods. Although root canals can rescue some decaying teeth, if the decay is extensive, extraction may be the only alternative.

  • Dental Abscess: Severe decay can also result in an abscess, which is an infection in the pulp of the tooth. If the kid develops an abscess, he or she may have significant discomfort and a fever. Swelling around the jaw, enlarged lymph nodes, a pimple or pus on the mouth, or red and swollen gums are all possible symptoms. In this instance, the child will require antibiotics to keep the illness from spreading and need tooth extraction.

  • Damage: If the child breaks or splits a tooth in an accident or sports competition, extraction may be the only option. If the tooth cannot be healed with a crown or the damage has spread to the root, the dentist may advise extraction.

  • Delayed Appearance of a Permanent Tooth: When baby teeth hinder permanent teeth from emerging spontaneously or do not fall out on their own, they must be extracted. If your kid still has a baby tooth in his or her mouth but you can see the permanent tooth in front of or behind it, make an appointment with the dentist.

  • Wisdom Tooth Pain: If the adolescent complains of back-of-the-mouth pain, they may have partially or impacted wisdom teeth. Failure to remove the teeth might result in more than simply pain. If the teeth are left in place, they might cause nerve damage and shift the position of surrounding teeth.

Preparing a Child for Tooth Extractions

There are two extraction methods available:

  • A straightforward extraction can be performed at a pediatric dentist's office using a local anesthesia if the tooth is visible above the gum line.

  • A more difficult extraction that necessitates the use of nitrous oxide or IV sedation.

In the latter situation, depending on the competence of your pediatric dentist, you may need an oral surgeon.

It is a good idea to do everything you can to prepare your child for any form of extraction. Most parents are unsure how to do this in a way that would not shock their child. In many circumstances, it's preferable to take your kid to a pediatric dentist or speak with the professionals at the dentist's clinic to find out how you can talk about it successfully so there are no surprises, and the child does not feel too much fear before the visit.

Post-Operative Care

The child may be in discomfort, and the dentist can either prescribe pain medicine or suggest an over-the-counter alternative. It is important to apply gauze to the surgery site until the bleeding stops and to have them rest with their heads up and avoid needless activity until the blood clots and a scar forms. Feed them nutrient-dense soft foods (not just ice cream) for a few days after the treatment, and make sure they drink lots of water.

To know more about the treatment or the Cost of Tooth Extraction in Gurgaon one should visit the Aspen Dental Clinic. Book the appointment now with the expert dentist.

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