Saturday 6 April 2024

Transform Smile With Dental Implant Surgery

In the past, bridges and removable dentures were used to replace missing teeth. These dentures caused potential damage to healthy neighboring teeth and were often difficult to maintain and even required regular maintenance. With today's technology, doctors can replace a tooth with long-lasting dental implant treatment offered at Aspen Dental.

The best part of dental implants is that they do not require the grinding down of any healthy teeth to fix them, help avoid the bone loss that can frequently happen after the teeth loss, and implants look just like natural teeth and can last for the lifetime of provided with proper care.

To provide a clearer perspective, the dental implant expert at Aspen Dental Clinic, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon, has provided detailed insights on dental implants and how they can help one achieve a healthy and confident smile.

 Why are dental implants popular nowadays?

Dental implants act as the roots of tooth loss and are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The implants won't slip, produce noise, or harm the bone in a way permanent bridgework or dentures might since the titanium in them fuses with one's jaw.

The kind of implant used and the health of the jawbone will determine how the procedure is carried out. Multiple procedures may be integrated into the surgery. The main advantage of implants is reliable stability for new teeth, which mandates that the bone around the implant heals properly. It might take a while for the bones to recover. 


  • Offer tooth replacement that is permanent

  • Restores appearance and functionality to normal and protects the remaining bones.

  • Prevents the drooping appearance of the face caused by tooth loss

  • Doesn't impact the surrounding teeth, helping to preserve the dental structure.

Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants Surgery-

  • Losing one or more teeth

  • Avoid using tobacco.

  • Possess a jawbone that has fulfilled its growing

  • Possess sufficient anchor to bone the implants 

  • Possess appropriate oral tissues

  • Don't have any health problems that could interfere with bone healing

  • Who cannot or will not wear dentures

  • Are prepared to devote a few months to the procedure.

Preparation Before Dental Implants-

  • Comprehensive dental examination. Dental X-rays, 3D photographs, and models of the teeth and jaw may be created.

  • Reviewing the medical background. Any medical issues one may have, along with any prescription, OTC, and dietary supplement use, should be discussed with the doctor.

  • The doctor might advise antibiotics prior to surgery in order to prevent contamination if one has certain cardiac issues or orthopedic implants.

  • The Plan of treatment is customized for one's needs,  how many teeth need to be restored, and the health of the jaw and existing teeth.

Note: During surgery, local or general anesthesia is given to manage pain. Depending on the type of anesthesia administered, the dental care team will advise one on what to eat and drink before surgery. 

Choosing Suitable Implants-

Additional imprints are taken of the mouth and residual teeth once the gums have healed. The crown, the artificial tooth that appears normal, is made using these impressions. The jawbone must be healthy enough to sustain the function of the new tooth before the crown can be fitted.

  • Fixed: This method involves the permanent attachment of a prosthetic tooth via screws or cement to a particular implant site. The tooth cannot be taken out for cleaning or while sleeping. Each crown is normally affixed to a separate dental implant. However, if multiple teeth are bridged together, one implant can replace all of them due to sturdiness.

  • Removal: This kind comes in partial and complete dentures and is comparable to a traditional removable denture. It has pink plastic gum around white fake teeth. It snaps firmly into place and is fixed on a metal frame that is connected to the implant abutment. It is simple to remove for maintenance or regular cleaning.

  • Delayed or Immediate Loading: The tooth on top of the implant is often only provided after the fixture has been in the bone for 3 months to integrate with the bone, but because of new improvements in implantology, implants can now be loaded immediately. With this technique, patients can start using their new tooth the day following the implant fixation or within a week.

After Surgery Care-

  • Regardless of whether one undergoes dental implant surgery in one or more stages, one could feel some standard discomforts including:   

  • Swelling of face and gums

  • Bruising of gums and skin 

  • Minimal bleeding

  • Post-surgery, one may need painkillers and antibiotics


Dental implants are often effective. If performed by an expert the surgery offers the best outcomes. If the bone doesn't properly fuse, the implant is taken out, the area is cleaned up, and the surgery can be repeated in approximately three months. 

One can get an expert consultation at Aspen Dental to learn more about dental implant cost in Gurgaon.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Teeth Whitening: Procedure and After-Care Tips

Everyone desires to have bright and white teeth. One might find several tooth-whitening products available on the market. Unfortunately, many of those products are ineffective. To enhance the look of one's smile and increase self-confidence, teeth whitening is a great option. Professional dentists who perform teeth whitening procedures guarantee that patients will have bright teeth quickly.

This article will discuss the causes of tooth discoloration and the dental teeth whitening procedure in detail. To make this post informative, we have gathered insights from the expert dentist for teeth whitening in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic. Continue reading to learn.

Causes of Tooth Discoloration

Tooth discoloration can occur for reasons, including:

  1. Stains from food and drink: A few meals and drinks, like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries with a dark color, can leave stains on the tooth's surface.

  1. Use of tobacco: Smoking and chewing tobacco products can leave teeth with brown or yellowish stains.

  1. Aging: As teeth age, the enamel disappears from the outside layer, revealing the naturally yellow dentin underneath.

  1. Poor dental hygiene: Not getting enough brushing and flossing can result in plaque and tartar accumulation, which can give teeth a dull or yellow appearance.

  1. Trauma: Over time, a tooth that has been injured may darken or discolor.

The Procedure of Professional Teeth Whitening By a Dentist

Depending on the specific treatment plan and the patient’s requirements, dentists may use different teeth-whitening techniques. Conversely, the following steps are part of the common in-office teeth-whitening procedure:

  1. The dentist will perform a thorough examination of the patient's teeth and oral health before starting any teeth-whitening treatments. They will check for cavities, gum disease, and any other dental issues that need to be treated before whitening.

  1. To get rid of surface stains, tartar, and plaque, the dentist will clean the teeth. This process ensures that the whitening gel will effectively grip the tooth surfaces. 

  1. The dentist will cover the gums with a rubber shield or protective barrier to shield the gums and sensitive tissues from the whitening gel, leaving only the teeth visible.

  1. The dentist will immediately cover the surfaces of the teeth with a professional-grade bleaching gel that contains either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. The precise formula of this gel is intended to eliminate and dissolve stains and discolorations.

  1. In rare instances, the dentist might use a particular light or laser to activate the whitening gel. The results can be enhanced, and the light or laser can accelerate the bleaching process.

  1. The dentist will regularly assess the color of the teeth to track the effectiveness of the whitening process. The duration of the gel application may change depending on the kind of product used and the desired level of whitening.

  1. The dentist will completely rinse off the whitening gel to remove any residue after reaching the desired level of whitening or finishing the treatment period.

  1. The dentist will compare the shade of the teeth before and after the procedure and assess the results. To help maintain the whitening results and reduce discoloration in the days following the procedure, they will also provide aftercare advice.

It is crucial to remember that dentist-performed in-office teeth whitening usually has quicker and more noticeable results than at-home procedures. Furthermore, the dentist can tailor the therapy to meet the precise needs, ensuring a successful and safe procedure.

Things to Do to Preserve the Results of Teeth Whitening Procedure

  1. Consume Light-Colored Foods Only

A wide variety of foods, such as colored beverages, should be avoided after teeth whitening. Dark sauces (like tomato or pasta sauce), colorful spices (like curry, turmeric, paprika, etc.), chocolates, and produce with brilliant colors (like beets, tomatoes, pomegranates, etc.) are all good examples. Generally, anything that can stain a white shirt can also stain the teeth. Instead, choose foods with light colors like tofu, white fish, cheese, grilled chicken breasts, cauliflower, pasta, and white fish.

  1. Avoid Eating Foods with Acids

The bleach used during the teeth-whitening process causes a slight weakening of the tooth enamel. The enamel can become even more brittle if one consumes acidic beverages and foods like citrus fruit, pickled foods, and processed meats. This may result in increased sensitivity and the possibility of restraining. To reduce pain and preserve the newly whitened teeth, avoid eating anything acidic for at least 48 hours after teeth whitening.

  1. Avoid Consuming Colored Beverages  

One might take pleasure in a morning cup of coffee. But colored drinks can discolor the teeth. Select better substitutes, such as water, milk, or coconut milk. If one absolutely cannot function without their morning cup of joy, try drinking it through a straw to prevent direct contact with the teeth.

  1. Stop Using Tobacco  

In addition to being very bad for the health, smoking and chewing tobacco are major causes of discoloration and staining of the teeth. Avoid using tobacco products, at least for the first few days after whitening, to prevent the teeth from becoming stained again after a teeth-whitening procedure. 

  1. Regular Tooth Brushing  

To keep the teeth looking pearly white even after teeth whitening, one must brush them frequently. Brush the teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste because sensitivity is frequently experienced after teeth whitening. Consider mouthwash and toothpaste made especially for sensitive teeth to further lessen sensitivity. 


Teeth whitening is among the easiest methods for brightening one's smile. It is important to understand that immediately following teeth whitening, teeth are especially vulnerable to discoloration and staining. As a result, one's actions following teeth whitening, particularly during the first 48 hours, determine how long the effects last. Therefore, one must keep the doctor’s aftercare instructions in mind to maintain the procedure's results for a longer duration.

If someone is considering teeth whitening, they should schedule an appointment at Aspen Dental Clinic and meet with expert dentists. The dentists at the clinic are experts in performing all dental-related treatments at affordable prices. Root canals and teeth straightening are among the most common procedures performed at the clinic. Are they wondering about the root canal treatment cost in Gurgaon? At Aspen Dental, an RCT costs start at Rs. 4000. But it varies from case to case and tooth to tooth. To determine the best course of dental treatment and its associated cost, the doctors first get an x-ray and dental examination. Visit the clinic to learn more.

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Monday 18 March 2024

Professional Dental Cleaning and Whitening Steps

Cosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever, with procedures ranging from whitening and contouring to filling gaps and replacing teeth. And there are several tools and procedures that we may utilize to improve the appearance of your smile. Cosmetic dentistry is the most well-known dental field in today's medical world, and it has achieved new heights in popularity. It focuses on giving the patient an attractive smile by utilizing a variety of dental instruments and procedures.

One such advanced and popular treatment in cosmetic dentistry is teeth whitening, which includes dental cleaning. The aim is to provide a healthy and shiny smile. In this blog, we will be learning more about teeth whitening and the steps of the procedure. To make this an informative post, we have gathered insights from experts in cosmetic dentistry, like the top dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic. Let’s begin by learning what teeth whitening is.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is one of several cosmetic dentistry procedures experts provide to brighten your smile and boost your confidence. The dentist will safely whiten your teeth up to many shades by using a professional whitening solution. It's quick, and simple, and won't harm your teeth or gums when you use dentist-approved procedures.

What is the Teeth Whitening Procedure Like?

Teeth whitening can lighten your smile by multiple shades in only one visit.

Step 1: Before starting the treatment, the doctor will examine the teeth and gums to ensure they are healthy. Then, will discuss with the patient about tooth color and how brilliant you want your smile to be. After that, your teeth are cleaned to eliminate plaque.

Step 2: The teeth are dry, and you may need to use a retractor to protect the lips and tongue from interfering with the whitening solutions. To protect the gums, the dentist will apply a gel or a shield.

Step 3: A whitening solution is applied to the front surface of the teeth, and a unique light activates the whitening process! The doctor will continuously monitor the progress of the treatment until the desired outcome is achieved.

Step 4: Then they rinse away the solution and perhaps add fluoride to help with tooth sensitivity.

Step 5: Once the doctor is through, they will go over post-care, such as what foods and drinks to avoid for the following several hours to keep the new smile as white as possible.

Is the Teeth Whitening System Effective on Dentures or Veneers?

The procedure was created to improve the natural whiteness of the enamel. Existing fillings, dentures, crowns, bonding, veneers, and bridges do not lighten. If a bleaching procedure is used, any previous dental work may need to be changed to match the new tooth hue attained in the natural teeth. Clients often apply the gel treatment exclusively to their natural teeth, enabling them to lighten to match a cap, crown, or veneer.

How Long Does the Teeth Whitening Procedure Take?

To get a whiter and brighter smile, the process takes approximately 30 minutes (2 times 15 minute applications). It is divided into two 15-minute applications to provide maximal gel concentration and light exposure without being exposed to the light for too long, which might cause gum inflammation.

Individuals with sensitive teeth should use a lower power level on the bleaching device, and those with particularly thick stains may require multiple treatment sessions.

Is Teeth Whitening Harmful to the Teeth?

The teeth whitening procedures do not harm tooth enamel or dentin in the short or long term. In the clinic, the doctor can assist in preserving the gums throughout the process. Alternatively, if you use over-the-counter at-home tooth whitening solutions, the bleaching chemical may leak out into your gums. When in doubt, consult with our dentist to ensure a safe and complete application.

How can I Extend the Life of my Teeth Whitening Results?


Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to keep your teeth whitening. To begin, avoid foods and beverages that can stain your teeth, such as coffee, tea, soda, berries, and anything tomato-based. If you do choose to consume certain foods and beverages, be careful to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth afterward. Finally, brushing your teeth twice a day and getting bi-annual dental cleanings can help prevent stains from accumulating on your teeth.

How much Whiter can I Anticipate my Teeth to Become after Teeth Whitening?

The degree of whitening varies from client to client and cannot be anticipated or guaranteed; nonetheless, teeth may lighten anywhere from 6 to 12 shades on the whitening shade chart in ordinary use. The outcome is heavily influenced by how discolored the teeth were, to begin with. Teeth that are yellow or brown, have surface stains, or are consistently discolored are the simplest to whiten. Additional whitening treatments may be required to attain the ideal shade, especially if the teeth are highly discolored.


To get any cosmetic dentistry treatment it is important to always consult a qualified dentist. This will help in knowing which treatment will provide one with the maximum results. It also ensures the safety and overall well being of the teeths. To know more about teeth whitening or any other dental treatment, one can consult the expert dentist of Aspen Dental, a clinic renowned for offering best teeth whitening in Gurgaon. To get that radiant and flawless smile now, book a consultation at Aspen Dental now!

Saturday 16 March 2024

Reasons to Consider Clear Braces For Your Kids

Traditional metal braces for kids have great significance in orthodontics, but nowadays, even clear braces for kids are also becoming popular.


Clear braces are becoming popular among kids and teens, offering unnoticeable teeth-straightening benefits. As they are practically invisible, one can get the teeth-straining benefits without noticing. They work just like traditional metal braces. After success, treatment one can get straighter teeth and an enhanced smile.


Let's learn more about them in this blog shared by expert Orythodonits and the best pediatric Dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental.


What are clear or ceramic braces?


Clear or ceramic braces are similar to typical metal braces but less noticeable. Made of ceramic alloys, ceramic braces are one of the best solutions for individuals looking for a modest approach to straightening their teeth.


Ceramic braces are popular with people of all ages and backgrounds, but they are especially popular with professionals who are always on the go. They prefer to realign their teeth discreetly so they can smile freely without being concerned about how they appear in photographs.


When do you need braces for your child?


Here are a few significant reasons why your child needs braces:


1. Misaligned Teeth

Having an even set of teeth is essential for a proper bite. Crooked teeth may cause health problems, including temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), and tooth wear may cause broken teeth.

2. Teeth that are overlapping

When a child's teeth overlap inside their mouth, teeth become uneven, making it hard for them to chew food. Some children with overlapping teeth grind their teeth, which may cause other oral health issues such as depressed gums and TMJ.


3. Tooth Crowding

Teeth are sometimes too close together. Crowded teeth make it difficult to maintain good oral health as they make it difficult to clean or brush the teeth properly.


4. Obstruction

Jaw alignment is crucial because it ensures proper chewing and swallowing of food. Correct alignment is also beneficial to dental health. Misaligned jaws may cause dental issues such as jaw pain and uneven tooth wear. Braces can help fix an overbite or an underbite.


Why choose clear braces for their kids?


1.     Invisibility


The most apparent advantage of ceramic braces is that they are almost invisible to others. The primary advantage of ceramic braces is that they are discreet and nearly invisible to others. They are unobtrusive because they are made of transparent, see-through, translucent material, making them practically invisible. 


They also have smaller brackets than typical metal brackets and the choice of using coloured wires to secure them. Because of the coloured wires, they are incredibly discreet, and no one will notice if a person is wearing braces if they do not want them to. Adults find the braces intriguing because they can wear them to their offices and workplaces without awareness. 


2.     Strength


Ceramics may appear sensitive because they have always been handled with care. However, ceramic braces are as long-lasting as metal braces because they were designed with various age groups in mind. Even though the brackets are thinner and take up less space on the front of the tooth, the ceramic used in them is fine-grained, making it resistant to damage and functioning properly during treatment. Its unique design, in which bracket corners are rounded off and smooth, reduces irritation and protects delicate tissues from impact.


3.     Ceramic braces have no demineralisation.


The ceramic brackets are bonded to the teeth with a potent bonding agent, but extreme care has been taken to make sure that when the brackets are taken off. One of the side effects of orthodontic treatment with metal braces is tooth demineralisation. Because of the demineralisation process between the enamel and the metal, metal brackets colour the enamel. However, ceramic brackets cause the fewest changes in the tooth's outermost layer.


4.     Simple removal


When ceramic braces are removed after treatment, the teeth are not discoloured, and the removal process is more straightforward than with traditional braces. Traditional braces' bonding material has been replaced by improved bonding material that may be removed without hurting the tooth enamel. When the bonding material used with metal brackets was removed at the end of the treatment, a layer of enamel was added. 

The bonding substance used in ceramic brackets has been thoroughly investigated and standardised to have the most negligible negative impact on tooth enamel. At all times, the bonding of brackets to teeth is protected by using high-grade bonding substances. Various factors determine Ceramic Braces Treatment Cost in Gurgaon. This includes dentist experience and the severity of the tooth condition. You can consult Aspen Dental Dentist for more details.


5.     Comfort


Ceramic braces provide more comfort than traditional metal braces because they have thinner brackets almost covering the entire tooth's front surface. Ceramic also feels better in the mouth than conventional braces because the metallic colour and feel are distinctive, like genuine teeth and dental enamel.


6.     Less likely to stain


Ceramic braces do not stain as quickly as their clear plastic predecessors. These are high-quality, well-designed braces designed to maintain their appearance throughout treatment. It has been taken care of so they don't stain themselves when eating or drinking. 


Before choosing braces for your kids, it is important to detect which is best suitable for them to make an appropriate choice by consulting the Best Pediatric Dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental.

Consult now for more details to make an informed decision! 

Transform Smile With Dental Implant Surgery

In the past, bridges and removable dentures were used to replace missing teeth. These dentures caused potential damage to healthy neighborin...